Team Strategy

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We don't always need to use these team strategies at all times during every game but we do need to be able to quickly recognize when we should start using them during games. We also need to be able to have the discipline to stick to the strategies for the team's benefit not just your own benefit.

If, as a team, we start off bad and recognize that a team may be better than most or if it is crunch time in a close game there are certain strategies we can employ to make a comeback and/or maintain the lead without having to get frustrated. If this means we have to camp to close out a game than that is what we will do for the win.

In close games the goal is to make sure your teammate does not die without recognizing and killing the guy that killed him. This means you should make sure you are not running into enemies alone. At the same time if you are both looking the same direction and are too close together this can just magnify the problem. The best way to cover a teammate is to remain in the same general area with your eyes fixed on different enemy routes. If you are killed while doing so, instead of getting frustrated or blaming your teammate, let your teammate know that you where killed and where that enemy or group of enemies is or the direction they are headed.

Most of this information is self-explanatory but during hectic games we rarely change our tactics. By reading this information hopefully it will make it easier for us to realize what needs to be done or changed in certain game situations.

Camping is all about perks, cover, and covering choke-points.

First of all, to camp put blind eye, assassin, and marksman on along with a silenced weapon please. You don't have to use all of these items in your loadout, just make sure you do not continually get picked off because you don't have one of them.

Choosing cover wisely means you limit the angles that you could be killed from. Choose a location with multiple blind spots so that you can move to quickly when you know that they know you are becoming predictable. Nothing frustrates a player more than a camper who changes up their style and adjust their locations within a small area. Don't camp in a spot where you know they can come around the corner and kill you at close range. Those spots are places you want to use once and go to the next and are places that, when camping as a team, you don't want to use. When camping as a team you may not need the best cover but you do need to guard the choke-points that leave your teammates vulnerable. As we become more accustomed to team play we will know which spots to use on which maps.

Opposing teams are very rarely better than us. We usually beat ourselves by making mistakes. If you find that your individual play is not up to par then take a look at this checklist and try to remember it to help quickly identify problems and correct your play should you need to.

Quick mental corrections -
Adjusting your individual play according to your ratio
Using equipment (we often forget to use it)
Stop running in and dying in the same place (flank or tact around them, push with the team, use equipment, or just camp)
Stay calm and re-focus
Switch your classes (make sure you have an assassin, blind eye, silenced class ready to switch to)
Recognizing game score and crunch time
Move from cover to cover not just in the open.
Look to common spawn points.
Look where the red dots are not as they usually will be there shortly.
Clear your corners.
Don't try to beat a sniper straight up.

As a team -
Minimize losses (don't get killed in groups or repetitive fashion)
Trust Teammates
Don't blame teammates, it just frustrates everyone more.
Designate assignments (shooting down stuff, quick scoping, trophy-systems, etc.)

What to do...
If they are camping -

If they are cheating -

If the game is lagging -

If they are quickscoping -

If they are rushing -

If they are spawn trapping -

If they seem to be everywhere -

Issues -
How to group together in games when needed.
How to get back to the group when separated or killed.
What to do when the group breaks down.

Example of guarding choke-points as a team:
